mandag den 4. januar 2010

Happy new year..

Here are some christmas and new years pictures. Gabríel Noor had chicken pox during the hollidays but is feeling much better now. We stayed with Andreas and Family for Christmas and went to Sweden on the second day of Christmas. On New years evening we stayed with other nice people at Inga, Niclas and Nois house. We also had visits from Steindór and Þórhildur and we ate popcorn :) Gabríel Noor loves popcorn :)Hugs and a Happy New Year to you all :) p.s the last picture is of me with my costudents doing our wonderful project on multiculturalism in Sweden...As you can see by our beauty and intelligent look we are all icelandic :)

1 kommentar:

Svava María sagde ...

Gaman að sjá allar myndirnar! Þið hafið greinilega haft það gott úti yfir hátíðarnar. Það var svolítið skrítið að sjá ykkur ekki... Hittumst vonandi fyrr en síðar, bestu kveðjur frá okkur öllum í S78.